Thursday, November 20, 2008

Collected tales from Lansing

The official results are now posted (see left column). In terms of the course, St. Charles and Northbrook set the bar really high, so I heard that Lansing was a bit disappointing. Everyone was talking about the sandpit though.

Debbie Dust (W-1, Verdigris / PACT-Dish Network)
I was happy to be finished - it was a bit of a suffer fest at times as evidenced by the (simultaneously cool yet nasty/gross) copious amounts of spit and snot stuck to the various surfaces of my bike.
Joe Kallo (Masters 30, UCVC)
As I was doing my practice laps I developed this (utterly genius, no doubt) strategy: I was going to serious bury myself for the first 2 laps. Just 2 laps. No matter what, I was going to remain over redline as much as I could muster. No thought of future laps, and nothing held in reserve.
Jesse Williams (M-4, Tati/UCVC)
I felt pretty good at the start and appeared to pass many of my competitors through the barrier/sand sections. I even managed to recover some of my entry fee by picking a dollar pass-up as I sprinted though the sand.
Lou Kuhn (M-1/2, Pony Shop)
Race #2 was an experiment of sorts, just 2 hours after my race and still in my roubaix skin suit hoping the embro that accidentally slid south is killing a bit of the bacteria that could be roaming about after sitting in chamois post 30 plus race.

I felt great for the first 4 or 5 laps, then noticed that they hadn't put laps to go up yet???? when they did it didn't help my psyche to see 6 to go. Sixty minutes is a lot longer than 45.
Holly Klug (W-1/2/3, Killjoy)
I am not the greatest rider on power courses so my goal for the race was to ride the pit to show off my "skillz" and try to hang on to June or Debbie's wheel as long as I could. Kevin said right before the race to "not do all the work" and let the other girls pull you around at the start. With this in mind, we go and I get the hole shot.
Jeff Holland (M-3, XXX)
I was caught and passed by Al, managed to catch and pass Ernie and Adam, and eventually settled in right behind Ryan. I chased him for a few laps, until he rode the sand instead of running it to get a gap on me. The next lap he went back to running it, but the damage was done. I never caught up.
Greg Heck (M-3, XXX)
For the next several laps I sit on the wheel of Jason Knauff of Burnham Racing. Since he has already won a couple of races I figured it was his reward to set the pace while I wheelsucked ( I am not embarressed to admit it!!).

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