I am a cat4 road racer, pedaling in Chicago, IL, USA. I am a member of both Team Tati and the University of Chicago Velo Club.
As of today (Sept. 3, 2008), I haven't decided what Morning Roll should be about. There are too many things I'm interested in: cycling gear, races around Chicago, pro racing, gossiping about the pros, etc., etc.
If I should put my eyes where I want my bike to go, as they say, then this blog should focus on amateur racing, specifically in the Chicago area. We'll see.
And why "Morning Roll"? A morning roll is
1. The reason why I get up at 5.30am, as in "Let's meet up at the bike shop at 6 for a morning roll."

2. The hypercaloric pastry that I am allowed to eat after it, as in "Let's stop at BonJour Bakery for a morning roll."

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