Tuesday, September 2, 2008

News and links 9-2-08

  • Team Tati has now published its roster. Also, check out their wicked carbon team bikes here, here and here.
  • Did you know that Christian Vande Velde's mother works at the University of Chicago Lab Schools? Wouldn't it be sweet to see him at Monsters of the Midway? Even if it's just to say hi and sign autographs? (Hat tip to Joe Kallo.)
  • The CX Bible? Another CX textbook. Available soon for $20. (Hat tip to Mike Pechnyo-Team Judson and to Aspen.)
  • As I roll down the slippery slope of cycloblogging, I keep discovering cool websites. BikeRumor is mostly about bikes and cycling gear. Cyclelicious is a more eclectic "journal of bicycle culture," with links to and posts pictures of all sorts of singular stuff. Bikecommuters... well, the name says it all, but it puts the emphasis on bike gear and bike safety.
  • If you wanna keep up with the cyclocross scene in the midwest, is a must-read. Well stocked with racing calendars, race reports, and educational material for novice CXers (like me).
  • So you think you're green 'cause you ride to work? Well, you haven't gone the whole nine yards until you ride a recyclable rig. An industrial designer in California has created a frame made of reinforced and unreinforced recyclable polypropylene (i.e. plastic). Plastic? Won't it break? Maybe..., but then you can throw it in the blue trash cans... (From Bikecommuters.)

1 comment:

Aspen said...

CX Bible may already have been written:

Cyclocross: Training and Technique
By: Simon Burney