Friday, August 29, 2008

Bike Polo

This weekend's coolest event has got to be the North American Bike Polo Championship, hosted by the Chicago Bike Polo Club.

The championship begins with a two-on-two, winner-stays-on "friendly" competition, on Friday at 8pm. Unfriendly competition will happen on Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday there will be some exhibitions too. Registration for the tournament is at 5 W Hubbard St. (Corner of Hubbard and State).

Bike polo was formally invented in Ireland in 1891. Did you know that the original form of the sport was field polo, on grass?!?!

Here in Chicago, CPCC hosts games regularly in Garfield Park, at the tennis courts south west of the intersection of Central Park and Madison. According to their website
Regular pick-up games start on Sundays at 2pm. Skills and team practice plus more pickup games on Wednesdays 6:30pm until about 9 pm. Loaner bikes are available usually Sundays only.
Come out and watch (and play?) this weekend!

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