Friday, October 3, 2008

So much to lose

Most competitive cyclists have a BMI between 20 and 23, as I showed here. If my height is between 5' and 6' 8'', this is where my weight should be:

height (inches) Min weight Max weight
60 102 118
61 106 122
62 109 126
63 113 130
64 117 134
65 120 138
66 124 143
67 128 147
68 132 151
69 135 156
70 139 160
71 143 165
72 147 170
73 152 174
74 156 179
75 160 184
76 164 189
77 169 194
78 173 199
79 178 204
80 182 209

Now suppose that I need to lose x pounds in three months (180 days). I should meet a caloric deficit of 3,500x/180 per day, or approximately 20x.

Note: the ideal-weight figures might be slightly different for women.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Note: the ideal-weight figures might be slightly different for women."
Hmmm. Ya think?